2011년 12월 2일-4일, 3일간 무료로 진행된 본 공연 후에 모급된 관객의 자발적 기부금 총액 563,450원 (486.20USD)이
작가 카릴 처칠Caryl Churchill의 뜻에 따라 모두 팔레스타인 의료구호기금MAP으로 전달되었습니다.
2012.1.11 추가: 팔레스타인의료구호기금MAP에서의 답신
보낸 사람: "Libania Decosta" <libania@map-uk.org>
날짜: 2012년 1월 11일 오후 6시 58분 29초 KST
받는 사람: <freenb@***.com>
제목: Thank You
Dear Nabyeot Kim / Imaginers' Theater,
Thank you for your wonderful gift of £285.40 towards the work of Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP). Your gift will go towards our vital projects in the occupied Palestinian territory and Lebanon.
One example of how your money will be used is for our newly launched burns programme. MAP is working to improve the burns treatment facilities across the occupied Palestinian territory. There is only one burns unit in Gaza and just one in the West Bank. After the war on Gaza an assessment was carried out and a need was identified. With a high number of domestic and industrial fires as a result of poor living conditions and with Palestinians forced to use unsuitable cooking fuels because of the blockade, this programme of work is essential.
Another example of where your funds will be spent is on replicating our hugely successful maternal and child health programme in Lebanon from the Palestinian refugee camps of north Lebanon to those of the south. The overarching aim of our programme is to successfully reduce the main preventable causes of poor maternal and infant health. This involves providing access to quality local healthcare services, backed up by solid health information systems and community collaboration.
We also continue our psychosocial healthcare work across the occupied Palestinian territory and Lebanon. This cannot be achieved by short term international aid programmes. It must be achieved through a commitment to long-term, locally developed strategies. MAP prioritises support to established local agencies in the field who have built up trust and have experience in working within their own communities.
We will not stop working to improve the healthcare system of the Palestinians until the need has gone.
Thank you again for your support. Our work would not be possible without you.